Monday, June 28, 2010

ClubPenguin has a new game. And RockHopper.

Clubpenguin has a new game that recently came out called ClubPenguin EPF Herbert's revenge it is available on june 26 in the following countries: United States, Canada, the U.K, And Australia on July 8 in this game you can transfer coins from your game to your account on your computer.

And RockHopper will be coming back on Friday :) If you want to find him you can look for him that are on servers that are really full and if someone sais "ROCKHOPPER IS AT MITTENS I SAW HIM!!" dont believe they are just trying to get u to leave so they can get in. And dont search up Rockhopper tracker on Google or Yahoo cause they are all fake just to get you to view there website. Because when i did that all of the servers those trackers told me to go to he wasnt there. And if your new to Clubpenguin and you have no idea who Rockhopper is he is a Clubpenguin staff who helped make clubpenguin with Disney and BilyBob. Candice, Aunt Arctica, Gary, The Penguin Band, and Sensei are also staffs of ClubPenguin. Sensei is the newest Staff he came in 2009.